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Hyderabad Metro offers emergency medical assistance to its commuters

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Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) to offer emergency medical assistance to the commuters who fall sick while traveling in the Metro. The Hyderabad Metro MD NVS Reddy in an interview said that, in case of any medical emergency in metro rail, the passengers can seek medical assistance by pressing the emergency alarm button. The passengers can contact the train operator, who further contacts the next station staff which is just one to two minutes away and explains them about the condition and alerts them to provide the required assistance. The staff at the next station, does not just provide the required first aid, but also arranges an ambulance if required to shift the passenger to the nearest hospital.

He also said that the metro train which usually stops for 20 seconds at each station, will be stopped for a longer period until the passenger goes down. He further added that all the metro trains are equipped with first aid kits in both the driver cabins i.e. the first and the end cabin. All the metro stations are equipped with separate first aid rooms which contain stretcher, wheelchair, blankets and bed sheets along with First aid kits.

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